Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The edacity of my social circle

Being back on Facebook has been an interesting re-acquaintance.

On one hand, I'm glad to be included in the room where people whisper, joke, and gossip with one another, otherwise known imposingly as "The Wall." Nobody likes to be left out.

On the other hand, if I had one, it is incredibly infuriating when I go to the effort of posting a worthwhile link, only to see no one respond.

A select few, Jaron, Joseph, Justin, and Nathan, respectively are exempt from always replying. I know they are as socially conscious as I am, if not more so and sometimes you can't stomach another brain-frying article about political fuck-ups or corporate takeover of liberties.

But for the rest of my sixty-one "friends," I have to ask, why am I friends with you again?

There are quite a number of professional "friendships" I have on Facebook, a necessary evil. There are also some old school buddies and some family. It strikes me to the core how many people are somewhat close to me in my life, yet I am unable to elicit any type of response on Facebook short of an update to the effect of "daaamn, did you see kanye's diss of beyonce?! that shit was raw! ~FuCk ThE BuLlShIt~ need to get paid!!!"

I feel like crying. I feel like screaming. I feel like choking everyone until they turn blue screaming, "There is a REAL FUCKING WORLD OUT THERE! WAKE UP!"

But maybe that's just me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yet you block your "best friend".............