Sunday, September 26, 2010

Quit my bitching

I shared my fledgling blog with a friend. I was struck by the most recent posts I had made, pleading to some non-existent being for a way out of the hole I had allowed myself to be placed in. I wanted so bad to delete all of those posts that were filled with emotion because what if someone sees it and judges me. In reality though, I'm not ashamed of having emotions. Thankfully however, I am becoming more adept at channeling those emotions into motivation.

I'm not a doctor, but I am prescribing you 500mgs of cowboy the fuck up.

For now, I will continue to ponder in what capacity I want this blog to exist. Do I want to speak on political or social merit? Do I wan people who live in my region to read it and know who I am? Or do I simply want to rant anonymously and share funny pictures with friends? There is a place and time for everything, but I am only on the Earth but once so I shall attempt to do everything simultaneously. If someone takes a deconstruction of a serious topic less seriously because it was preceded about how the world pisses me off, then I say, piss on them. In the future if I say something you disagree with, or if you simply want to troll me, leave a comment. If you are to afraid to speak up in any context, then Facebook is that way ---->

For now I will leave you with a thought. When J. Robert Oppenheimer first saw the results of the Manhattan Experiment in full effect e.g. a nuclear explosion, his thoughts immediately went to the Bhagavad Gita where Lord Krishna and Arjuna are having a conversation before the Kurukshetra War. To intimidate the human,Vishnu re-formed himself into the visage of a huge multi-armed writhing figure, enormously immense beyond the scale of simple human proportions. "Now I am become Death", he told the human, "destroyer of worlds.". (source)

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