Friday, July 2, 2010


So you probably know what situation I am in. If not, I will just say, no rent, no bed, no problem.

Today reached 100 degrees. I walked in the heat of the day to wash some clothes and almost went kaput from heat exhaustion. Science needs to create a pill that turns you into a marine grunt for 4 hour increments. I will say this: the feeling of not sweating because the air is so dry is a new one, and weird to say the least. You feel like a wick, which doesn't make much sense to say because in my experience, wicks catch on fire and burn, but it sounds right. The sweat just wicks off of you. Yeah, that's the ticket. It wicks off. Sort of sounds like a british slam right? Wick off chum!

After overheating I decided to sleep through the heat of the day, 1-5pm. Now I am relaxing from a swim at the gym following one of the most appreciated showers I have ever had. I was a bit uncomfortable in the nude but I don't think anyone was staring at my junk and I didn't stare at theirs, expect from some weird lower back hair some old guy had going on. I can't help it, it was like a target. But I think I'm okay. I'm a dude, I should be able to pee on mailboxes and shit in the yard if I wanted to right? Maybe I won't have to go through another session of "Show me on the doll where the bad man touched you" with the doctor. Okay, just kidding, no doctor. yet.

For now I will spend the rest of Friday night resisting temptation to go to the bar and sow my oats so that I will be able to wake up at 7:30 to ride to the mountains with Jim. Jim is a good guy. I think he is mistaken about almost every view he has politically, even though I am less articulate so I can't rightly debate with him, but I can't help it, I like the guy. He's a right wing nut job, but I'm a no-wing nut job, so there's that to like. I gave him a book called Emergency today. It's a survivalist book. He glanced through it and smiled that evil smile.

I'm almost done with Native Speaker. Okay book. Good book. Not the best, but good. Cheers to Nathan and Jaron. Oh and Kia, please stop reading my blog. KThxBye.


Jaron said...

Hahahaa! A target. Kudos to you too, man.

Jaron said...

Hahahaa! A target. Kudos to you too, man.