Sunday, June 27, 2010

Quote of the Day

I feel the most defining aspect of our generation is being told we can do anything when we are kids, then growing up to find it isn't true.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

White guy jokes

What's the best flat surface to iron your shirts on? A white girl's ass.

Why shouldn't white people go swimming? Because crackers get soggy when wet.

What do you call a bunch of white guys sitting on a bench? The NBA.

Embarrasing admittance

How is it that healthy food makes me feel queasy? if i were to have eaten a sugar filled pastry this morning instead of cherries and pineapples, I wouldn't be feeling like I need to throw up. What has the food industry done to me, what have I done to myself?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Cool Learnin's

One of the most important things I have learned about writing at the Big Horn County News office is that it is not acceptable to simply write. You have to make your story a joy to read. You have to keep the reader guessing where you're going next. You have to hold them close until that last great line that seals the deal and urges them quietly to read again next week. You have to enjoy this shit, man.

Quote of the Day: June 22

"Yes, yes, mother nature is a terrorist."

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Swarm Light

by Fredrik Petrini

'Swarm Light' by rAndom International / Design Miami / Art Basel 2010 from rAndom International on Vimeo.

Heron, Gil Scott

More Aloe

Cee Lo Green


Lyrics here

Selfish Jackass - Self Actualization

Lost in thought, I wonder who I truly am.

Am I the person you tell me I am, or am I the person I feel I am.

Common traits for someone who has reached self-actualization, according to wikipedia include:
"They embrace reality and facts rather than denying truth."
"They are accepting of themselves and others..."

For almost my whole life, people have gone to great lengths to tell me how selfish, spoiled, and mean I am.

If I face the facts, then perhaps I am all three, but perhaps people are mistaken. Misinterpretation can be dangerous. Possibly one reason that at age 27, I still feel like a teenager is that I still feel that I am misunderstood. Silly?

Regardless of what others say to me, I am me, and I know what I am worth. Just because I look angry from straining to see the computer screen without glasses for 10 years, and just because I am quiet in a social setting because I am not comfortable with inane banter and alcohol consumption, and just because I stand up for my principles in ways that others are afraid of does not mean I am some sort of pretentious and self-righteous ass.

Say what you will. Your negative thoughts and comments do not affect me and who I am. I love myself. I love people. I love humanity despite the flaws. And when you put me down? I love you too. And when I make mistakes, it weighs on me, same as it does you.

The world is a beautiful and ugly place but I am thankful for every moment I am given.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Homemade Projector

Broken or Tangled Headphones? There's an App For That

Goddamn the man

When you're down, you're down.

As if the economy isn't bad enough, just when you see what be a the light at the end of some dark mold-stained tunnel that you put yourself in a long time ago, some punk steps out of the dark and bashes you in the face with a two-by-four.

Feeling dazed from the fog-induced blindness that crippled your bitch ass before isn't enough to make you crawl, fucker's got to break your kneecaps too. And then he smiles some crazy crooked-ass grin, showing those rotten stink breath teeth, telling you to have a nice day.

Why don't you have a nice day you fuck. Have yourself a debt induced, emotionally draining, covered in the stench of life day. And I hope you fucking enjoy it.

When I see you, I won't step out of the shadows, creeping like some golem afraid of his reflection. I will step out proud, proud of overcoming the struggle, and I will put your ass down. You won't ever get back up.

This I swear.

Aloe Blac is on fire

Might we have found our generation's Bill Withers? Let us hope.

Aloe Blacc - I Need A Dollar (Official Video) from Stones Throw on Vimeo.

Monday, June 14, 2010
The music I post are mostly the ones I enjoy - electronica , a lot of indie, a bit of mainstream, the trio (which I call for rap, hiphop, rnb) and some old and random ones.
Pigeons and Planes is a place where you can keep up with good new music, whether it be mainstream hip-hop, indie rock, or anything in between. Whether it’s the pop star you see on the magazine covers or the local band you’ve never heard of. The site is updated multiple times every day so check back.
A beautiful beautiful machine built buy a kid and his dad for an expensive $2400, however, they spared no expense with new components. This could be built for $700 minimum I feel. I am looking for a 26" frame now.

Survival of the ethical

There was once a local publication who had to withstand the leverage of a major customer. This customer wanted the little publication to be their own personal soapbox. The little publication withstood the influence and demands of the major customer and eventually the major customer withdrew their funding because they didn't get their way. The local publication will continue for the time being, with the proudest employees ever.

Sometimes you just have to stand up to the man and say Fuck You.

Scratch Bastid Mix

Mix Here

Old men that whistle while they talk

Yeah I love 'em.

He's in the office with a Duck Hat talking about his friend's old pal Dick Cheney and everytime he makes the S-sound, he whistles like a cartoon character. He is really concerned that someone is buying Custer Battle Field which is actually known as Little Big Horn Battle Field now.

I'm gonna be an old man that whistles while I walk.

Update: He will not stop talking. Now the topic is the Shelton gang in southern Illinois in the 1930's who rigged up weapons to do something unclear.
"Well, I better let you folks get to work here."

Breaking out

Working on a Monday morning.
Typing the most monotonous shit ever.
Using scripts to complete words and phrases to cut down on the fill.
Bright sky shining through the window into my tiny pupils/
Hot office, hot faux leather desk chair.
In my view are both an American flag, a Rupert Murdoch rug, and pointless brochures.
I have a desire to break free and fall into an icy river.
I need to catch a cold breath.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Solar Power Sun Dehydrator
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